Friday, July 9, 2010


Hi guys!I need your guys help.This why I had to create this blog cuz its either they fix it or I leave again lol.See my baazaar has been broken for TWO YEARS. What do I mean by broken?My rares are reset so they dont show. I know others have this problem according to stardoll so lets get this fixed for everybody.Pictures of this are coming soon!!Stardoll told me they would fix this problem for everybody but they haven't. And After messaging stardoll for that long I give up.So what do I mean by help?Tell stardoll my baazaar is broken and to fix it basically lol.Whats in it for u?rares!after this is fixed up im putting at least three rares for up for sale or trade including the hearts blouse.Also i am going to create a raffle for those who help me.More details coming on those soon.